Monday, January 4, 2010

January edition of the vintage guitar news and views

The Vintage Guitar News and Views January Edition.

As with my peers concerning the state of todays guitar and vintage guitar market I will add in my own opinion for what it is worth.(no pun intended ). What I see is a halt to the sudden and rapid rise in prices that mint vintage guitars will bring in, such as those we have seen in the last 3 to 4 years and a slow down or market correction,which we are seeing today, not that these guitars are worth any less but rather a more informed market and a hesitance on buyers reluctant to make larger purchase as thy have in the past. I do strongly believe that vintage electric guitars (pre 1964) and pre war vintage acoustics will always be a wise investment for diversity and collectability .

The market for less than mint vintage guitars will not command the prices they did in the past (for now). Usually the price for for a less than mint vintage guitar was worth roughly 20 to 60 % of the going price for a mint version(depending on many factors) but as collectors today can hold out and purchase more guitar for less money in todays market ,they can and will seek the best version and price for a particular make and model that they have been desiring.This being the case as a player first and collector second now is an excellent time to purchase a less than stellar example of that desired guitar that you have been seeking. Which as a guitar enthusiast I welcome , due to the fact that more and more of these guitars will actually be in the public eye and be played and not tucked away in an unseen vault ,which in turn will fuel the market for more of these great old guitars

As the builders are flooding the market with every type of conceivable reissue they can think of I also think this will fuel the market and interest in the earlier (pre 2000) released reissue and relic guitars (think Murphy and Cunetto ) and the limited run custom shop guitars. I do not see a substantial rise in price or value of later releases or cookie cutter relic guitars and actually see the prices of these later versions probably going down as was once the norm for a used guitar.

I also think large auction styled sites will continue to confuse an be a detractant to most new and irregular buyers and sellers as the pricing on such sites tends to be spotty and not an actual informed area where true guitar sellers place most of their gear for sale but rather use these type of sites to increase awareness and traffic to their regular web site. Just because it is old does not mean it is valuable and just because it is valuable does not mean it has to be old and like my peers we tend to do a lot of research and spend a lot of time when doing listings ,so purchases will continue to be made more (I think )from well knowledged and customer attentive dealers as opposed to the auction styled sites.

I have also always believed the acoustic market was way under valued and it has started to respond as I anticipated with prices starting to edge up on certain guitars , an area which I believe will continue to rise. We as guitar players and collectors are a diverse and finicky group to say the least and as older players acquire the guitars they want , the newer player collectors with different guitar hero's ,memories and styles will start to effect the market, so don't be surprised to see guitars enter the arena that 10 years ago you would not have dreamed would. This always is just my news and views to inform and entertain. May all your days be memorable,all your friends stay true and all your riffs be killer, till next month, Greg at Greg's guitars.
"Bottom side up."The Vintage Guitar News and Views January Edition.

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